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Chapter 3 - Part 4

-- Visiting dignitaries --

"So do you think he saw you bite that knight?" Annie said cheerfully. The group had been winding up Otto for the last few days. The dilemma was really shared, but Otto was really disturbed by it. And easily agitated by the discussion. He was finally resigned to the mistake now though, the prince did not know that Thomas was nearby when Otto frenzied and drink Sir Affredd nearly dry before he regained enough composure to stop. But then Otto himself was not really sure if the boy had even seen the act or not.
"I bet that horn was worth a fortune" he replied, trying to change the subject
"Maybe, though I've never heard of anything like that being for sale anywhere." Annie allowed the conversation change
"Do you think it was magic, or something with cannon powder"
"It's called Arab powder" Annie answered knowingly "Could have been I suppose, but it's very similar to .."
The sudden silence scared Otto, they were walking to the Castle and now not only was Otto's reply cut off, but his footfalls made no noise, the rustling of his clothes was gone. The goat that was scratching at the fence they were walking past was still scratching, but now silently.
"I SAID WHAT HAVE YOU!" Otto was shouting and stopped suddenly. "What did you do?"
"Tricks of the trade" Annie said with a wink as she waved politely at Jane, a fellow kindred also on her way to Elysium. Jane had been startled by the sudden noise and looked like she was about to run for the hills. Annie and Otto couldn't help but laugh. Jane was higher in status, and age and so seeing her scurry away like a mouse was pretty funny.

As they entered the wine cellar of Schloss Bruck, a place which when a few silk drapes hid the wine-racks and food casks turned into Elysium for the kindred of Lientz. They met Antonio on his way out. Antonio was actually looking over his shoulder distractedly examining the behind of Jane and she scurried through the drapes into the second chamber.
Otto sniggered "I didn't think you were the type" he said.
Antonio noticed them and said "Oh, hi. What a strange aura she has, its almost like she's seen a ghost"
"Wait, ghosts exist too?" said Otto, he shuddered to think some of his crimes may yet receive the judgement of god
"Don't worry Otto" Said Antonio "With the world stuffed full of Ghouls, Werewolves and Vampires, I doubt there is enough room left for anything else. Anyway, we have a task. It seems the Prince of Venice is sending an envoy and our Prince wants us to meet him on the road and escort him to Lientz"
"Why?" said Annie as the group turned to leave
"Well, there was a note in the Thomas fellows pack" Antonio said showing them the note he had stolen "Thomas's bandit chums were on the look out for vampires. Told to carry them to the top of a hill and expose them to the sun at noon."
"Ouch" the pair both said in unison, shuddering at the thought
"Wait does that mean we have to, you know, deal with Thomas?" Otto looked like he was going to have to throw a puppy into a pit of rottweillers.
Antonio was not sure what colour that aura matched "Erm, no. He didn't seem to know why. I asked him while we were travelling and he said he thought that the man who gave him this note was some sort of religious fanatic."
"A man huh?" said Annie "Did you ask who?"
"Why would I?" Antonio answered
As he moved on Annie turned and motioned to Otto indicating a warped mind.

The group stopped at Rann's backstreet furniture making store. It was clearly doing well, the little old barn had been practically rebuilt in the few short months Rann had been renting it from Allen. Allen was another kindred, an elder, but a relatively recent arrival in Lientz. In that short time he had invested in property, and now owned most of the main high street (schlossgasse). They told him where they were going and invited him along. As he was the fourth scourge it was pretty much compulsory.

Antonio stood across the street from the Inn at Oberdrauberg. He'd waited in the rain for 4 hours and a night already and finally there was activity. Three carirages bearing the insignia of his home city of Venice rolled up to the Inn. The central one was a herse. Antonio rushed in to greet the travellers.

There were eight attendants in total, all armed and bearing the insignia of the city they came from. Antonio headed for the lead coach and was just in time to see a woman stepping down from the car, helped by a footman. Her face was hidden by a veil, but he could tell by her aura she was kindred.
"Greetings" Antonio said in Venician, his native tongue "I am Antonio, and I bring word from Lientz. Are you travelling in that direction?"
The woman silently turned and faced him. She had been staring at the corner where Annie was hidden, covering with her assyrian horse bow.
A voice inside returned the greeting in the same language. "Please step inside Antonio, please tell your female companion to lower her aim lest she upset Nadine" The voice was monotone, steady, not loud, nor powerful.
Antonio was nervous, but remembering his mission he indicated Annie should lower the bow with a gesture, put on a brave face and climbed inside. Nadia joined him.

Meanwhile a flamboyant fop stepped down from the rear carriage. He trotted up, passed the herse, to the Inn door and rushed inside. Rann and Otto were inside, they had been waiting for their watch but had heard the carriages pull up and were on their way out. The flamboyant man greeted them in the doorway in Venician. The pair shurgged and looked blankly at the fop. He Looked puzzled back at them, then tried Latin. The same response. He tried his limited German and finally they understood.
"Please meet you're." he said "Eye are named Ennio de Veneta" He put out his hand and shook it like a long lost friend
"Must be a relative of Antonio's" said Otto, shrugging at Rann who shrugged back in agreement. They sat down at the mans suggestion, forgetting to check on Antonio for the time being.
It took some time before they realised they were talking about the combat abilities of their fellow Lientz kindred and managed to resist the mans subtle questions. They vowed to stay quiet after that and even helped each other to do so. Eventually Ennio got bored and ignored them in favour of subtley engaging a farmer for vitae.

Antonio stared. The man was undoubtedly kindred. He was well over 6 foot tall, extremely gaunt and actually closer to white than a natural skin colour. He wore a hat which hid his hair and included a scarf which covered his ears under it. He sort of looked like a scholar, or possibly an african wise man from the bible story. Except for the skin tone, and the beady black eyes.
"I am Voltan" the man said flatly "Are you from Lientz?"
"Yes, I'm from Lientz" answered Antonio, "Darius, the prince of Lientz asked us to accompany you on the last leg of your journey."
"Why? is his region not controlled perhaps?" Voltan allowed just enough emotion to infer the statements were questions.
"Oh not at all" answered Antonio quickly, "The forest ahead is fraught with werewolves and our treaty dictates travel should be only at night. There are safe places we can stay too."
"A treaty with the Garou you say. Very well you may lead us."

On the second night the rain was light, the four horses they were riding were clearly ghouled as they seemed comfortable riding in the darkness. Annie patted her father's large black destrier on the flank. It had spotted something. She raised her hand and halted the train behind her. Rann and Antonio rode up alongside.
"I see them", said Antonio after a moment "Four on the ridge at least, there's movement in that glow behind the rock, must be a campsite, there's more than four then. Could be a dozen."
Annie looked behind her at the lantern headed lead carriage "There's no point trying to catch them unaware, they'll be getting ready for us anyway."
"Fast attack then" said Rann "That's a lot of guards, will the dignitaries help us?"
"Not sure, the prince said we should look tough." said Antonio, then in response to Rann's frown added "Though losing a fight to bandits would be worse than getting help. I'll go and see."
Antonio rode up to the lead car and tapped on the door. Nadine opened the window and sat back in her seat. Antonio leaned in and said "There's an ambush up ahead"
"Ahh, is it Garou" asked Voltan in his monotone voice
"Erm no, not likely" started Antonio shakily "The treaty means they won't be this close to the roads at this hour. Probably just bandits. I wondered if you would care for a food break?"
Nadine leaned forward her enthusiasm noticeable even with the wide brimmed hat and the full veil. Voltan signalled her to sit back. "No" he said. "The footmen will help you"
"uh huh" said Antonio to himself
As he rode away the drivers and footmen started readying weapons and moving up to join them. Otto had also coaxed his horse to the front and dismounted.
"The fight is on then chaps" said Antonio as he reached the front. Then whispered "I'm not sure Voltan is buying the experienced scourges routine. So look good out there."
"And what are you going to do?" Asked Rann
"I am going to convince Voltan of your excellence." answered Antonio smugly
Annie looked at the sky, then kicked her horse forward into a gallop. The rest followed her a split second later.

Antonio tapped on the door again, then brazenly opened it and climbed inside. "They've gone to hunt. Shouldn't be long then we'll get going again"
Voltan raised an eyebrow, but made no comment. After a moment he said "We should discuss your prince, and the town. And the other side to the conference too if you know them."
"I am afraid I do not know who is visiting from Hardlestadt's side my lord. But I can tell you that our Prince is Darius and our sherrif is Sevarus."
"It is usual to say the clan when providing such a list. For example This is Nadine, she is a Lamia. I am Voltan, I am a Cappodocian, etc" The monotone voice was almost tutorial, Antonio knew this was a pointless front and VOltan could see through it, but he plowed on anyway.
They talked for several minutes until Nadine muttered something which Antonio missed.
"You are right, they are taking their time." Answered Voltan "You may assist if you wish to"
Nadine lifted her large hat from her head and placed it on the seat beside her carefully. And Antonio was surprised at how pretty she was, he was expecting a monster. She had long curly black hair, a dark complexion and sulty, misceivous eyes. She looked back into Antonio's eyes. He saw a glint which reminded him of the look his wife used to give him. He sat up a little straighter and was about to compliment her, when she grinned at him. Slowly revealing a monstrous set of teeth. Unlike the other kindred he had met Nadine's teeth were all long and very sharp. Her mouth opened like a maw. Antonio gulped and sat as far back into his chair as he could. A moment later she was gone.

Rann and Otto had climbed up the crag and were engaging the bandit crossbowmen. Annie was chasing down a couple of other bandits in the trees beside the road. Rann looked over and saw Nadine crash into the throng of bandits who were winning the fight against the drivers and footmen. Blood spurted into the air as gorged herself on the well armed men. A moment later she was on the crag too, that's when Rann saw her teeth. When he heard the screams from where the campsite was he knew he did not want to see.
"Hey Otto" Rann said quietly when their long running battle on the cliffsdie was finally over "I don't think these guys need bodyguards" He indicated Nadine walking from around a rock. She was wiping her mouth. Her dress dripping with blood.
"What the hell is she .." started Otto, Rann quickly stopped him
"Shh, they don't know we don't know remember" he reminded him

A couple of hours after the fight the group stopepd at an Inn. Rann and Antonio compared loot picked up from the field. They had both picked out short stubby but practical swords to use. Otto was walking past carrying his saddle and saw them.
"Aww dammit!" Otto cursed
"What's up?" Asked Rann
"I meant to pick up a blasted sword" said Otto, crestfallen
Rann and Antonio laughed

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