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The Morning After the Night Before

The next morning as his companions are all recovering from their wounds and hangovers or just keeping a low profile. Lenny happens to wander into Cathedral square again.

It seems his new found friend, Shay, has convinced the crowd of his bravery. He accepts the mantle of Hero of Sandpoint with as much humility as he can muster and is too shy to mention his friends.

The Mayor gathers the town togetehr and funerals are held for all of those people who died during the attack the night before. But she takes time to acknowledge Ameiko Kaijutsu for holding the South bridge, Gorvi the simple dung collector and Maver Kesk and his associates for keeping the cliffside from being climbed. And of course Leonescu 'Lenny' and his ascociates for defending the Cathedral and recapturing the North gate.

In a quiet alley, Shay asks if he would meet her around the back of her father's store after dark. She says she there is a problem with rats, and she is sure he can handle them on his own.

That afternoon, just as tilight sets in, just before the shop closes Lenny enters the little general store. The store has a couple of customers perusing the shelves of groceries, camping gear and other odds and ends. He approaches the man behind the counter and says, "Good afternoon sir, I believe you have a rat problem."
"Excuse me?", asks the man. "I assure you sir, I do not."
One of the customers puts his basket of vegetables down and quickly leaves. The other looks worried. The owner of the store growls, "Who put you up to this then?", he demands.
"Why it was your daughter Shay. She said I should come by and offer my assistance."
"Listen boy, you stay away from me and stay away from my daughter's too", The man yells.
Lenny rushes out quickly. He sees the Dwarf from the battle the day before and waves. From inside the shopkeeper yells for his daughter.
"What was all that about?", Granite the Dwarf asks
"Actually I have no idea.", answers Lenny, "I was just going to help him clear the rats from his basement and he threw me out of his shop."
"Hmm.", The dwarf pondered this deeply. "I'm meeting Lazdon at a pub on the docks. They have gambling and cheap ale. You should come and help me instead."
"Erm, ok", said Lenny, "Though I don't know how to gamble really."
"Don't worry", said the Dwarf, "It'd be a good experience for you."

Meanwhile Santiago was training Algern Foxglove, the Noble. And spotted Parcival hurrying passed. He wandered into the council chambers and met all four of the towns nobles including the mayor, and a ranger called Shalelu. Father Zantus and Sherrif Hemlock were there too.

Shalelu gave a report of goblin activity. She warned that the usually ragged groups of Goblins seem to be getting more aggressive and might even have become organised. When the Sherrif confirms that Goblins from all five tribes were involved in the battle she becomes convinced.
"They are certainly well armed", Santiago interjected, "Where did they get explosives from?"
Shalelu had not reliased they had that kind of armament and after the battles in the town were explained she told of the farms that were being attacked by unusual fire magic. She had rescued a group of farmers only a few days earlier from a fire, there had been Goblins that she drove off and the farmers had said they'd heard a whistle like a boiling kettle before the fire started. She thanks Santiago for his input and continues. The five tribes of Goblins are:
The Birdcrusher tribe - in the cave's of Devil's Platter
The Licktoad tribe - in the brinestump marsh
The Seven Tooth tribe - in Shank's Wood
The Mosswood Goblins - a region filled with micro tribes
The Thistletop Goblins - who live on and in an island that looks a bit like a severed head near the Nettlewood

She also tells the assembled group about all of the most notable of the local Goblins, in an effort to explain how unlikely it is that they should be working together.
Big Gutmut - A huge Goblin who is chief of the Licktoads
Koruvus - Chief of the Seven Tooth's, he actually recently went missing
Ripnugget - Chief of the Thistletops
Vorka - A mysterious Goblin hermit that most of the others are scared of
Bruthazmus - A bugbear bandit, he moves between all of the tribes and may be a trader of some kind. This is Shalelu's personal nemesis, and she refers to him as her opposite number.

The town leaders then discuss the damage to the towns defences. Or as Sherrif Hemlock calls it, "the loss of good men". They decide that the only person who can get Magnimar to send more trained soldiers is the Sherrif himself. His deputy should go too as thugh its been five years since the old Sherrif died, Sherrif Hemlock has not yet introduced him to the city officials. So without a Sherrif or a Deputy. He takes the minimum guard with him, 2 men. That leaves only 4 soldiers out of a garrison of 12. The mayor asks, and Santiago accepts, if he would ask the rest of Lenny's men if they'd accept 5gp/week each to make up the missing men while the Sherrif is away.

Meanwhile Rilln has a chance encounter with Ameiko, at her bar the Rusty Dragon. "You're back then, finally give those losers the slip like I told you did you?" She asks Rilln.
Rilln is confused, "I not have met you before". He says
Ameiko imemdiately realises her mistake, "Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else." she mutters and carries on clearing tables.
Rilln chases her around the bar and explains, the other Gripplis must have been his sister. He is looking for her and he is worried for her.
Ameiko eventually concedes. "Look, come back tomorrow. Its too busy this time of night and Ive a lot to do. We can talk then, ok?"
Rilln agrees and promises to return at lunchtime the day after.

That evening after another night out drinking and touring the town, while Santiago and Algern learn more about Goblins from Shalelu, Parcival is approached by Naffer Vask, the boneyards caretaker. He has notied that the largest of the mauoleum's the priests tomb has a damaged lock. He jammed the door shut as he heard movement inside. He thinks the thieves are still there.

Parcival rushes to get his friends from the White Horse accross the street and they enter the room carefully. Rilln taking point. A skeleton grabs Rilln and drags him to the ground, pulling him inside. Other undead surround the doorway. The group then have the challenge of trying to push through the zombies and skeletons blocking the door to save Rilln. At the back of the room Parcival notices a more powerful undead still wearing the gowns of office from when he was an Abbot.

It is a pyrric victory for the group, with Lazdon the last man (only just) standing. Thankfully Naffer Vask arrives a moment later with Father Zantus who stabilises them all and nurses them back to health in their room at the White Horse.

The next day Lenny loads up on slashing thrown weapons "for Zombies" and blunt arrows "for Skeletons". But is only able to hold 2 throwing axes and the shop only has 5 blunt arrows for sale.

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