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Jim's recap of the fourth session of the L5R campaign, in which the player characters escape from Otosan-Uchi to the siege camp, report on what they've learned, and learn more of the big picture.


Session 4 - summary

Dramatis persona

Daidoji Akita, a Crane warrior (Kevin);
Togashi Mosaki, a Dragon warrior (Grant);
Akodo Juichi, a Lion warrior (Andy)
Ide Ishiro, a Unicorn shugenja (Andrew).
Acolyte ??? of the Temple of the Thousand Fortunes


Your mission was a success .. grave though it was. Shiba Tsukune sent you to visit the Temple of Amaterasu on the South side of the river and to confirm the Emperor's death. The temple had tolled the funeral bells for a full day on the first day of battle. Then worryingly repeated the that three days later. The reason is now obvious. The monks at the temple conducted the funeral rituals of both the Emperor Hantei 38th and his son Sotorii who was technically an Emperor too, although the body was apparently quite old when it was brought in and may have been dead before the Emperors. The monks saw no reason to assume a lower status however and have given both full rites as if they had both been emperors. This explained the constant presence of the peasants outside the temple, they were all mourners. One of the things about the old Emperor (who was nearly 60 years old) was that he was much loved by the peasants. The monks also revealed that the Emperor had no other family members who cuold claim the throne, he did not have any brothers and his sisters had no sons. There the line stops as other distant cousins are not descended from the heavens. The obvious successor would be the Emerald Champion, the Emperor's hand a man who through true honour and the blessing of heaven ran the day to day affairs of the Empire, most essentially the chief justice and the only person who could hold a Clan Champion like the Scorpiuon clan Champion Bayushi Shoju to trial. As you depart you turn and see the embers of this mornings funeral pyre for Doji Satsume start to die down.

The young monk has a further plan. He can get you accross the street and into the sewers, where if you don't mind being dirty an escape from the city might be found. Samurai must always look their best, they are honour bound to be presentable to anyone no matter their rank at all times. Though sometimes, in battle for example, this rule is ignored. So the decision is made, the group know that the armies outside the walls need to know the information the group have so the filth of the sewers must be endured and the dishoour it may cause simply endured (you don't save from this, but you would have lost more if you had argued for a lesser honour loss).

The young lad climbs the walls and leads the guards of in a wild goose chase, while the gang dash out and run for the alley to the west of the back gate. While crossing the road a scorpio patrol catches sight of them and gives chase. The wgroup show great wisdom in running for it and with luck that only a monk can provide they soon find an opening. Daidoji Akita has the brilliant idea of blocking the door with his favorite Nagamaki, this sacrifice cost him in the battle later that day but kept the Scorpion patrol out of the sewers and also off the backs of the dozens of common folk huddled in the first level.

Through the undercellars of the shops above, out a doorway and down a ladder. Soon the group were in a huge storm drain, currently unusually shallow (typical with the time of year though). The group find an old doorway, sturdy and carefully locked with recently used padlocks it is an alternative entrance to the Oni lair should that be required one day.

As the group neared the city walls, half a mile to the East of the South gate they were attacked by black clad masked warriors. Stealthy and agile. Could these be ninja? Ninja of course are supposed to be a myth, yet here they were found. Two had strange straight wakazashi, the group named these ninja-to (weapons of the ninja). The sword is simple in construction, its straight blade designed for a back sheath so its owner can retain their agility in battle. A weapon the group decided to remember for future reference. The alleged ninja also had shuriken (thowing weapons) coated in poison and one had a shortbow too. After the battle the group continued on, noticing that the nija had opened a secret passage wide enough for two men to pass through under the city walls, fearing more of that foe up ahead the group made a quick exit.

Earlier reports of the Eastern city aflame did not do the conflagration that surrounded them justice. It seared their clothing and scorched their weapons just by being close to it. The group were lucky to have such a good guide in the young monk as he had brought them right up against the city walls where they were not close enough to be set on fire immediately. Ide Ishiro, the water shugenja felt especially nervous so close to the flames sensing the kami who were always near him had departed the area. He also knew that at any moment the excitement of the fire kami could leap accross the air and attach themselves to him or his fellows. He ran for the nearest tower, and the group rushed after him. "Beat your clothes if you see the kami making a leap for you!" he yelled as he furiously swatted a growing ember on the tail of his robe. SO with the occasional pause to swat a kami's attack the group got inside the amabdoned tower.

They were soon at the top and lowering a rope to the ground below. The monk was the first over, he scouted forwards, cleverly taking the poise of an old vagrant he avoided the notice of the thousands of Scorpion clan archers on the walls, where the fire had not yet spread. The group were nearly spoted several times as they decended, but it was not until they ran for the monks position all together that the archers became alert. A good choice by the players to wait at the base of the walls where it is usually most dangerous.

As the afternoon grew long the group made it to the Southern gate village where the Crane army had camped. After negotiating through to see the Crane clan Champion Doji Hoturii, the group were shown in to the clan champions tent by a man called Kakita Toshimoko an extremely highly respected crane samurai who bore no markings pf rank, perhaps a prince or cousin though more likely the personal yojimbo of the clan champion the grouo could only guess at the mans status and were further puzzled when the man saunteredi into the clan champions tent unnanounced and disturbed a rank of courtiers all offering excuses why the crane should suppkicate themselves to Bayushi Shoju in the hopes he would offer them forgiveness. The strange crane's stoic features appear to have interupted a conference which was on the verge of forcing the clan champion to an agreement of some kind. Interesting how the timing worked.

Regardless of the complexities of the highest levels of the crane court Ide Ishiro was finally able to pass on the final words of the young mans father Doji Satsume. He began by announcing the death of the Emerald Champion. Then by informing the group that the crane captives had all been executed(nearly 1000 of them). As soon as this was uttered Doji Hoturii ordered all of the assembled throng out of his tent. Even Toshimoko was kicked out too, though he seemed to be smiling. The group finally got to hear the dying words and the private message of the Emperald Champion Doji Satsume to his Son the clan champion of the crane Doji Hoturii. They were simply "Make peace with her, my son. In pains me to see you suffer for a love long since lost, I fear what you seek will bring you terrible tragedy."

Sadened Hoturii sat in silence for several long minutes. Staring into space. When the silence grew uncomfortable the group started to sidestep out of the tent. Hoturii's vision returned and he called for the group to stop. He asked where their camp was and then asked for an escort to the command tent. A short while later Hoturii and the leadeship of the crane army were mounted and following the footsoldiers who had escaped the city.

It was not obvious which the command tent was anymore. There was Matsu Tsuko's new camp which remained unexplored. The ragtag force (+dragon clan) beside the hillside temple to the kami (where the kami first gathered as an Empire and agreed the Emperor and how to determine the Emerald Champion (by duel). Or the Unicorn camp where Shiba Yokatsu held court and where he had entertained a Scorpion Ambassador (prior to Tsuko removing it's head). Or To the east of the temple where the main body of the newly arrived Phoenix forces had camped. At the crossroads where the three camps joined the sound of activity in the Unicorn camp made the choice obvious to the residents of this chaos.

As Doji Hoturii entered he invited Akodo Juichi to announce him to the 'court'. An honourable act and a requirement of a visitor who cares about manners. As the tent was opened the group were treated to the most peculiar sight. Matsu Tsuko berating the dirtiest most unkempt Scorpion Samurai you could have imagined. "And where by the damnation of lord moon were you! Crawling through mud like a worm?"
"No Tsuko" came the calm response. "I was drugged .."
"Drugged! HA! 'That' house is truly 'captivating'"
"Yes, I was there. And yes you were right, they did betray me. Just like you predicted they would.." The voice was till calm. Tinged with regret and shame more than the anger and contempt Tsuko was showing.

The groups growing confusion was cut short as Doji Hoturii pushed past Akodo Juichi. "Tuturi!" He exclamed loudly, obviously elated to see the smelly tramp in scorpion armour. "By the light of Amaterasu your appearence is a sight for sore eyes!"
"Hoturii, my friend it is good to see you too." Calm still, but Akodo Toturi smiled when he saw Hoturii. Tsuko remained quiet, glaring at Hoturii, though the other members of the court seemed to exhale a breath as if Tsuko's shouting had confused them when they were supposed to be cross examining a captive.

The party were introduced, and the anger of Tsuko was diverted (a little) when the news was revealed, and the fears of everyone confirmed.

Hoturii then said "So the Imperial City, walls built with the united power of the eight great kami. Defended by more than enough men to withstand twice our number."

Hoturii captured the rooms attention, the noise and gossip had grown to a creschendo and fell suddenly silent as the task at hand was so succinctly summed up. The general chat had been of who would be leader of the united force.

Hoturii then said "To make matters worse my scouts tell me that 30,000 crab clan soldiers march on us as we speak. My friends here (the party) tell me they have sided with the Scorpion. Predictable. But we may still be able to negotiate. We can't do so from out here though, you know what Hida Kisada is like, if he sees us in a weak position he will kill us all just to teach our souls a lesson."

Toturi said "Hmm" and put his hand to his chin.

Horutii said "I can see you have an idea, how do we win this battle in just a single day with the odds already against us."

Toturi "We will because we must. And .. I have a plan". Everyone assemble your forces for battle charge an hour after dawn tomorrow (rokugani hours are 120 minutes long btw).

The crowd dispersed, many wanted to know the plan, but Toturii remained silent on the subject. Tsuko stormed out and Togashi Mitsu, the courtier from the dragon lands approached. We would like to offer you shelter for the night Akodo Sama."

Distracted and surprised Toturii refused.

"We would be most honoured to host you, please reconsider."

Again toturii refused "I could not, my Lion clan would feel I had abandoned them."

Mitsu on the third try said "We bear a message of importance from our champion. It must be given to you tonight. And it must be presented alone".

These mysterious words were stern, where Togashi Mitsu was usually a cheerful man. The sudden turn of his stern expression seemed to bear heavy weight on Toturi and with the risk of the loss of face to his own clan he accepted and departed the tent.

The players also retired for the night. Looking forwards to a grand fight the following day.

see you this week for chapter 5

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